What We Do

Successful Business is Successful Change

We often hear that “change is a given” in business. But why? Because to keep doing the same things means you’ll keep getting the same outcomes. Which means you’ll never elevate your performance above the status quo. At Summit, we help you create the intentional change that ensures you reach the peak you aim for.

The Four Drivers of Peak Performance

Transformations can be incremental – evolving gradually over time. Or they can be more pronounced – new conditions requiring significant shifts. Both need to be managed intentionally if an organization is to proactively shape its future. There are many inputs to effective change, but four drivers are essential:

Strategy to guide change

Develop a clear strategic plan for where you’re headed and how you will get there.

Define/refine clear business objectives

Assess readiness to achieve them

Create alignment of intent and capability across organization

Culture to empower people to achieve change

Promote the beliefs and behaviors that support your business strategy.

Assess alignment of culture with business goals

Create purpose statement and define core values

Empower brand ambassadors to educate and engage employees

Brand to communicate change

Translate your strategy into a clear story to engage all your audiences.

Stake out a differentiated market position

Define a compelling brand voice and messaging

Craft an engaging visual identity

Operational Systems to execute and sustain change

Ensure that your people and processes are actively delivering on your strategy.

Establish clear goals and a playbook for reaching them

Define and socialize SOPs across operational units

Implement, scale, measure, refine and sustain

It All Starts with SummitSense

What do you not know about your organization that is keeping you from achieving peak performance?

We answer with a proprietary process called SummitSense which we use to initiate every engagement. It’s a validated combination of quantitative and qualitative review of the current state of your business across the Four Change Drivers – Strategy, Culture, Brand and Operational Systems. We assess your stated goals for the future, how aligned your people and culture are with them, how well your brand positions you in the marketplace, and how equipped you are operationally to achieve your objectives.

Roadmap to Your Summit.

SummitSense enables us to identify which of your peak performance drivers need attention. Based upon this analysis, we map out the changes that will enable your organization to achieve the transformations you seek. This process includes strategic planning, content development, stakeholder buy-in, implementation planning, metrics development and more. We guide you through each step, ultimately equipping your teams with the tools they need to reach your summit.

Leaders at the Ready.

Successful change requires not only the best ideas, but the ability to implement them. And that takes leaders with the talent and experience to guide your organization through the transitions ahead.

As you assess your team’s capacity, Summit is here to deepen the strength of your bench. Our seasoned principals can fill key roles in strategy, brand, culture and operational systems – on either a temporary or open-ended basis. This can be a bridge to hiring permanent executives or it can be a longer-term partnership between Summit leaders and your organization. This unique offering ensures that once you’ve developed a change strategy and roadmap, you’re ready to hit the ground running in the make-or-break phase of implementation.

“The access to Summit principals, and the flexible working style of the whole team, yielded better results more quickly.”

John Doe

CEO, XYZ Company, link to work

Transform Your Business by Driving Peak Performance.

The Summit team is ready to help you master the four drivers of peak performance.